Healthy Mind | Body | Spirit A - Z

True healing puts into order the body, mind and spirit with the past, present and future. The various offerings on this website are intended to enhance your physical, mental, and spiritual health. Utilizing the power of Nature, we are able to heal, regenerate, rejuvenate, enliven, and enhance every aspect of our being. With this in mind we are happy to present this section. See also: Plant Medicines A - Z to learn about a plethora of safe, effective plant medicines.



The Shaman’s Pharmacy (UMass Amherst Magazine)
Healing Rainforest Herbs (Woman's World)

Skin Health

Aloe Vera (Botanical Sheet)
Boswellia (Botanical Sheet)
Garlic (Botanical Sheet)

Skin Infections

Skin Irritation

Super Skin Goo

We hope you will also visit Plant Medicines A-Z, which offers a similar layout, only listed by plants rather than health indications.