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Shaman Estella DreamGlade by Tracey Eller / Cosmic Sister


Dreamglade is a beautiful, lake-side Shamanic healing centre and Ayahuasca retreat right in the heart of the Peruvian Amazonian rainforest.

The use and study of Ayahuasca and the traditional shamanic healing methods of the Amazon basin is growing at an incredible rate, perhaps because of the growing sense of dissatisfaction that is prevalent in Western societies, and Iquitos in Peru is the destination of choice for thousands of these ‘spiritual’ seekers every year.

Dreamglade Shamanic Healing Centre and Ayahuasca Retreat near Iquitos is the brainchild of Stacy Stephen Povey. He has spent the last 10 years living and working in Peru, working extensively with Ayahuasca and many of the local shamanic traditions and medicinal plants, and was also the founder of ‘Karma Café, the meeting place in Iquitos for travellers that come to the rainforests of northern Peru to take part in Ayahuasca ceremonies and traditional healing work in any of the numerous retreat centres in the Iquitos area.

“Dreamglade lives up to its name, a pretty and recondite spot centered around a pellucid pond, with shady palms swaying in a light breeze. Everything at Dreamglade is done thoughtfully. The accommodations are good, the food fresh and clean, and the ceremonies are led with great care and attention to the needs of pasajeros. Dreamglade is a marvelous place to renew, re-invigorate and restore. Beautiful overall.” – Chris Kilham