Photo courtesy Fox News
The Medicine Hunter shows us some simple yoga moves from his book, “The Five Tibetans” which help improve your cardiovascular and respiratory health, digestion, strength and energy levels...
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Chris Kilham, the Medicine Hunter, stopped by Fox News Channel recently to discuss his book, “The 5 Tibetans.” The five Tibetans are a group of very simple, yet powerful yoga exercises done sequentially 21 times. These exercises constitute a full yoga practice.
"They're really good for balance and energy, digestion, they help all the major muscle groups." - Chris Kilham, the Medicine Hunter
In the book, Kilham says you can enhance your health, create dynamic energy and feel much better – all in 10 minutes.
Kilham said he began practice the five Tibetans in the 1970s when he was living in California. He noticed he began to feel more energized, so he stuck with them.
He said he does these exercises every single day and even teaches them in a yoga class.
“I travel all over the world. …So I've done them on boat docks and native shacks all over the place,” Kilham said. “They give me strength, endurance, stamina. They're really good for balance and energy, digestion, they help all the major muscle groups. So I feel that in my practice of the five Tibetans, I've gained all of these benefits over time. And, hey, I'm aging, so it matters to me that I can stay at least a little bit younger and healthier in my age.”
Kilham demonstrated the five exercises, which he said should each be done a maximum of 21 times.
First Tibetan – best for balance mechanism
Extend your arms straight out to the sides and spin in a clockwise direction.
Second Tibetan – best for digestion and elimination
Start out by lying flat with your arms at your sides. Inhale, and bring your legs up. Tuck your head by putting your chin into your chest and exhale back down. Keep your lower back flat on the ground – this strengthens your abdomen. It's very good for digestion and elimination.
Third Tibetan – best for opening up lungs
Kneel down on your knees, but keep your toes and the balls of your feet – on the ground. Keep upright and put your hands under your butt behind you on the backs of your legs. Inhale, and arch your back.
Fourth Tibetan – best for strengthening arms, legs and back; enhances respiration and circulation
Sit upright with your legs straight out in front of you. Keep your hands by your side with your palms on the ground. As you inhale, bring your hips and knees up so that you are coming to a table position with your head dropped back – but do this without moving your feet.
Fifth Tibetan – strengthening the entire body
Start out with your hands and feet a little wider than shoulder’s width apart. Press your palms on the ground and balance on the balls of your feet. Go in a downward position and inhale; swing your butt into the air, bring your head down, tucking your chin into your chest.
“Often people want to exercise, but they think, ‘I have to go to a gym, I have to buy special equipment,’” Kilham said. “All you need for the five Tibetans is 10 minutes out of your daily schedule. And a piece of flat ground. This is very simple. These things are attainable for people, and I highly recommend that you just give them a try – because once you get going, you'll say, ‘Oh these are relatively easy to do, and I'm feeling great.’ And that's what it's about.”