The Five Tibetans, an up-close-and-personal look at five core Tibetan yoga traditions, is an ideal text for both the novice and advanced yoga student alike. Written by Christopher S. Kilham - The Medicine Hunter - the book offers a detailed yet congenial account of what are commonly known as the Five Rites, or the Five Rites of Rejuvenation, which are central to traditional Tibetan yoga.

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The author begins with a charming colloquial introduction to his own first experiences with the Five Tibetans, and even gives a brief history of the rites and their import to the West. He goes on to provide an entire section on breathing techniques, which he indicates are central to experiencing the benefits of yoga, and then carefully provides an informative and intriguing description of the seven chakras and their functions. The text includes an easy-to-understand diagram and concise lists that will allow students of all levels to benefit.
He then goes on to describe, in great depth, kundalini. This section was perhaps the most in-depth yet concise description of kundalini that this reader has experienced overall. Kundalini is, according to the author, the most widely misunderstood element in yoga practice, and Kilham endeavors to provide the reader with a careful understanding of its nature and importance. The remainder of the text hinges on the reader's understanding of this energy and its central role in yoga.
Then Kilham brings us to the Five Tibetans themselves, and his description of these rites is positively stellar. For the novice, this section will enlighten and inform, and for the more seasoned student, this section will serve as a refresher, a re-introduction of sorts. Kilham provides photos of the exercises, which allow the reader to visualize the exact nature of each exercise. He gives ample descriptions of the physical responses of each rite, and this aptly prepares the reader to experience the fullness of each application. He follows this with more technique descriptions and the remainder of the text serves to provide a layout of tips for where to practice, how to practice and when to practice these rites. Kilham gives advice on what to wear, how to behave, and more.
Readers of every background will benefit from reading this text. It is informative but endearing, and the colloquial nature of the Medicine Hunter's no-apologies, straightforward discourse will enlighten those who are already practicing students, and those who wish to become so. Everyone - even those who feel they don't have time in their busy schedules for yoga - should read this book.