Photo by: Chris Kilham © 2010
Rhodiola, Schisandra, Goji, Eleuthero, Lavender
Even though I have been to China several times, this gallery concerns only the northern most parts of China, from the very far northwest, to the very far northeast. I was on a quest to investigate Rhodiola, Schisandra, Goji, Eleuthero, and Lavender.
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Dried Schisandra Berry
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Man Holding Basket of Dried Schizandra
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Rhodiola Cowboy
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Weighing Rhodiola in Northern China
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Bozhou Herb Market
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Chris Kilham with Eleuthero
China is vast and diverse and this tiny selective offering represents only a fraction of what China has to offer. For more information on these wonderful plant medicines, visit Rhodiola, Schisandra, Eleuthero, Goji, and Lavender.